The "Cuckoo"?

Juergen A. Poth, stage name „De Guggugg“, born 1958 (really that age?), married, three children, one cat, one dog, a garden, a house in the village of Spachbruecken, six guitars, working with a water supplying company near Frankfurt, Ireland and Sweden enthusiast, loves mediterranean food and spicy sausages (and everything containing garlic), collector of German folksongs from the last five centuries. Founder of the Celtic Folk Band “Ceol na gCuach“, „The Cuckoo’s Music“, and fan of the “Fleadh na gCuach” in Kinvara, Co. Galway, Ireland.

The people of my village have been nicknamed the “cuckoos”. Calling them by this name led into hefty rows between them and young lads of neighbouring villages. The reason for the creation of this nickname had been forgotten:
In the 19th and 20th century Spachbruecken was famous for its ceramic products. The potteries delivered their goods to the Grandduke of Hesse and as far as the court of the Russian Tzar. From the scrap of the clay they made small flutes which could imitate a cuckoo’s call. Hearing this call was announcing the Spachbruecken potter selling his crocks, and was later transferred to all inhabitants of our village.

Fleadh na gCuach
You will rather hear another story: Once upon a time a farmer from a neighbouring town stopped in a guesthouse in Spachbruecken. Being hungry, he ordered a baked chicken. The landlord didn’t want to kill his only rooster, so he decided to serve a cuckoo instead he had shot this very morning. The farmer enjoyed the tasty meal and complimented the guesthouse and its cuisine. But the landlord could not keep the secret of his trick, and so very soon everybody was talking about the cuckoo served in Spachbruecken.